Thursday, October 21, 2010

Count Your Blessings!

I did not go to my practical clinic session today.  I had a headache. Some sort of fever, and very runny nose.  It's been on and of for a while, around ten days, perhaps.  But some days are indeed worse than others.  Well, today seems like one of the bad days...

With my head pounding, it gets me thinking of the days.  The days when I am healthy and energetic.  Well, looking back, I feel bad.  Because I often forget to thank ALlah for the many days I am well.  I did not utilize the time He gave me being healthy, to its maximum.  Caught guilty, indeed.

In a way, although being sick is not nice, it serves as a sharp reminder.  A reminder to utilize time to the fullest.  A reminder, to count your blessings, and really thank The Most Gracious for them.  A reminder, that we are indeed so fragile, and so weak, that we do really need Allah at every step of the way.

I'm reminded of a hadeeth (not the exact translation):
 Remember five before five: the times you are healthy, before you are sick.  The times you are young, before old.  When you are rich, before you are poor. The times you are free, before you are busy. And life, before your death.
 I actually have a lot to do...just to reflect for a while.   Hoping for your du'as.

Going back to my piles of assignments and study (exam is coming up!).

May Allah bless.  Assalamualaikum...


Gine said...

Oh dear! Must rest well and have speedy recovery! Take care *hugs*

hood@sunny said...

syafakillahu wa3afaki~

semoga setabah abu darda' yg redha kesakitan agar dosanya diampuni~