Sunday, December 7, 2008

'Eid Mubarak!!

30 Pictures, Images and Photos

'Eid Mubarak everyone.... 
Let us recall back and recapture the spirit and strife of Prophet Ibrahim a.s. and his child, Prophet Ismail in obeying Allah under every condition and under any circumstances.  Let us strive to increase our iman and strengthen our taqwa in living for Allah and spreading the Deen..



Ibnurashidi said...

Salam ziarah di Aidiladha..

Apapun, saya ucapakan SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA 1429H.

Ada yang korban?

Jemputlah ambil kad raya haji:)

Anem Arnamee said...

Salam ziarah.
Salam aidiladha.